FOXONE for Private Pilots

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FOXONE for Private Pilots [SACAA Syllabus]

Included in this package are all the PPL (A+H) Subjects which include Airlaw, Human Performance, Meteorology, Aircraft Tech and Gen, Principles of Flight, Navigation, Flight Planning.

  • 7 subjects of the SACAA Syllabus

  • 3200+ Official CAA questions – PPLA

  • 3600+ Official CAA questions –PPLH

  • 3 Modes (STUDY, TEST and EXAM MODE)

EXTRA: NDB and VOR Simulator Trainer.
BONUS: Radio Licence and Night Rating.

Subscriptions available in variants of 1, 3 and 6 months

Compatible with the following operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, android, iOS and Chrome.